Research Interests
- Logic Synthesis
- Quantum Computing
- Reversible Logic
- Design Understanding
- Formal Verification
Professional Activities
Organizer and general chair: DUHDe 2016, DUHDe 2017, Design Automation for Quantum Computers 2017 (ICCAD Workshop), IWQC 2018 (ICCAD Workshop), IWLS 2019, RC 2019
Program chair: IWBP 2018, ISMVL 2019
TPC member:
DAC 2017,
DAC 2018,
DAC 2019,
DATE 2018,
DATE 2019,
DATE 2020,
FDL 2014,
FDL 2015,
FDL 2016
FMCAD 2018
ICCAD 2017,
ICCAD 2018,
ICCAD 2019,
ISMVL 2015,
ISMVL 2017,
ISMVL 2018,
IWLS 2016,
IWLS 2017,
IWLS 2018,
IWLS 2019,
RC 2016,
RC 2017,
RC 2018
Others: IWLS 2017 (Contest chair), Reed-Muller 2017 (Publicity chair), IWLS 2018 (Contest and special session chair)

MAJesty: Logic Synthesis with Majority-Inverter Graphs
The MAJesty project aims at developing logic synthesis algorithms and applications based on majority logic. The research is grouped into the three main categories theory, algorithms, and applications. In the theoretical research we want to investigate different forms of majority-based logic and its promising combination with XOR-based logic. In the algorithmic research we develop dedicated approaches tailored for functions of different complexity. As applications we propose synthesis of arithmetic components motivated by results from circuit complexity, threshold logic optimization, inverter optimization, and synthesis for verification. In particular the last application is of high interest, as formal verification is often the bottleneck in today's design flows.
Role: Principal Investigator (Co-PI in cooperation with Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL, Switzerland)

Technology-depedent Optimization in Quantum Compilation
The goal for this student exchange research project is to develop methods to map generalized quantum computing algorithms to specific architectures. Resulting algorithms will become part of a quantum logic synthesis tool. Emphasis will be placed on developing a synthesis tool that improves circuit fidelity, gate volume, and gate depth.
Role: Principal Investigator
Collaborating PhD student: Kaitlin Smith, SMU, TX, USA

Faster Formal Verification with Reverse Engineering
Role: Principal Investigator
Collaborator: Prof. Robert K. Brayton, UC Berkeley, CA, USA

Reversible Computation – Extending Horizons of Computing
Role: MC Member